Volume 2
Issue 1
- Introduction: Transnational Corporate Concentration-The Issues
- Doctrines and Problems Relating to U.S. Control of Transnational Corporate Concentration
- The "Economic" Analysis of Transnational Mergers
- Sherman Act Applications to Predation by Controlled Economy Enterprises Marketing in the United States: Departures from Mechanical Formulae
- Canadian Merger Policy and Its International Implications
- Structural Aspects of Multinational Corporate Trade with the Nonmarket Economies of Eastern Europe: An MNC Perspective on Domestic and Foreign Regulation
- Supranational Regulation of Transnational Corporations: The UNCTAD and CTC Efforts
- Index
- International Implications of Limitations on "Aggregate Concentration"
- United Kingdom Regulation of Transnational Corporate Concentration
- Regulation of Concentration Through Merger Control: Germany's Continuing Efforts
- Regulating Multinational Corporate Concentration-The European Economic Community
- Reflections on Recent OECD Activities: Regulation of Multinational Corporate Conduct and Structure
- Appendix 2: Recent United States Legislative Antitrust Proposals
- Appendix 1: Foreign Monopoly and Merger Law
- Annotated Bibliography