Volume 7
Issue 1
- The Hague Convention on Taking Evidence Abroad: Conflict Over Pretrial Discovery
- Appendix 3: Glossary of Terms Defining the Function of Legal Professionals in Various Countries
- GATT as a Framework for Multilateral Negotiations on Trade in Legal Services
- Legal Services and the Emergence of a Service Economy: Practical and Theoretical Considerations
- A Federal Bar for Foreign Lawyers
- Legal Practice Shaped by Loyalty to Tradition: The Case of Saudi Arabia
- Index
- Index
- Appendix 2: Annotated Bibliography
- Appendix 1: Treaties of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation and Their Treatment of Service Industries
- U.S. Law of Attorney-Client Privilege as Applied to Non-U.S. Lawyers: A Reciprocity Issue?
- Legal Services and the Trade and Tariff Act of 1984
- Transitional Legal Practice and Professional Ideology
- Safeguarding Due Process in a Hostile Environment: Foreign Lawyers in South Africa
- Ethical Problems of an International Human Rights Law Practice
- Humanitarian International Law in Islam: A General Outlook
- The Two-Way Mirror: International Arbitration as Comparative Procedure
- The Role of the Western Lawyer in East-West Transactions
- Obstacles to the Implementation of the Treaty of Rome Provisions for Transnational Legal Practice
- The Practice of Law by Foreign Lawyers in the Sultanate of Oman
- Annex: Provisional Regulations on Lawyers of the People's Republic of China
- Doing Business with the People's Republic of China: The Role of Foreign Lawyers
- A Statutory Analysis of the Right of U.S. Lawyers to Practice in Japan
- The Role of Law and Lawyers in Japan and the United States